INFORMAS Canada publications
INFORMAS Canada reports
- Vanderlee L, Vaillancourt C, Olstad DL, McLaughlin A, Ahmed M, Kirk S, Labonté MÈ, Mah CL, Minaker L, Moubarac JC, Mulligan C, Potvin Kent M, Provencher V, Prowse R, Raine K, Schram A, Vergeer L, Mary R L’Abbé. An in-depth look at Canada's food environments: Results from INFORMAS Canada. 2025 (French version available here) (forthcoming)
- Vanderlee L, Vaillancourt C, Olstad DL, Ahmed M, Hamamji S, Jovovic S, L’Abbé MR, Rimouche S, Moubarac JC. An in-depth look at the quality of population diet in Canada: Results from INFORMAS Canada – Complementary report. 2025 (forthcoming)
- Vanderlee L, Vaillancourt C, Hamamji S, Olstad, DL.. An in-depth look at the risk factors for noncommunicable diseases in Canada: Results from INFORMAS Canada - Complementary report. 2025 (forthcoming)
- Vanderlee L, Vaillancourt C, Hamamji S, Olstad, DL An in-depth look at the rates of diet-related noncommunicable disease morbidity and mortality in Canada: Results from INFORMAS Canada – Complementary report. 2025 (forthcoming)
Public sector policies and actions
- Vanderlee, L, McLaughlin, A, Vaillancourt, C, Olstad DL, Mah, C, L'Abbe, MR. Actions to cultivate healthier food environments in Canada: Federal government policies and progress - Full report. 2023.
- Vanderlee L, McLaughlin A, Vaillancourt C, Olstad DL, Mah C, L’Abbé MR. Actions to cultivate healthier food environments in Canada: British Columbia policies and progress. 2023
- Vanderlee L, McLaughlin A, Vaillancourt C, Olstad DL, Mah C, L’Abbé MR. Actions to cultivate healthier food environments in Canada: Alberta policies and progress. 2023
- Vanderlee L, McLaughlin A, Vaillancourt C, Olstad DL, Mah C, L’Abbé MR. Actions to cultivate healthier food environments in Canada: Saskatchewan policies and progress. 2023
- Vanderlee L, McLaughlin A, Vaillancourt C, Olstad DL, Mah C, L’Abbé MR. Actions to cultivate healthier food environments in Canada: Manitoba policies and progress. 2023
- Vanderlee L, McLaughlin A, Vaillancourt C, Olstad DL, Mah C, L’Abbé MR. Actions to cultivate healthier food environments in Canada: Ontario policies and progress. 2023
- Vanderlee L, McLaughlin A, Vaillancourt C, Olstad DL, Mah C, L’Abbé MR. Actions favorisant la création d'environnements alimentaires plus sains au Canada: Politiques et progrès pour le Québec. 2023 (English version)
- Vanderlee L, McLaughlin A, Vaillancourt C, Olstad DL, Mah C, L’Abbé MR. Actions to cultivate healthier food environments in Canada: Yukon policies and progress. 2023
- Vanderlee L, McLaughlin A, Vaillancourt C, Olstad DL, Mah C, L’Abbé MR. Actions to cultivate healthier food environments in Canada: Northwest Territories policies and progress. 2023
- Vanderlee L, McLaughlin A, Vaillancourt C, Olstad DL, Mah C, L’Abbé MR. Actions to cultivate healthier food environments in Canada: Nova Scotia policies and progress. 2023
- Vanderlee L, McLaughlin A, Vaillancourt C, Olstad DL, Mah C, L’Abbé MR. Actions to cultivate healthier food environments in Canada: New Brunswick policies and progress. 2023
- Vanderlee L, McLaughlin A, Vaillancourt C, Olstad DL, Mah C, L’Abbé MR. Actions to cultivate healthier food environments in Canada: Newfoundland and Labrador policies and progress. 2023
- Vanderlee L, McLaughlin A, Vaillancourt C, Olstad DL, Mah C, L’Abbé MR. Actions to cultivate healthier food environments in Canada: Prince Edward Island policies and progress. 2023
- Vanderlee, L, Goorang, S, Karbasy, K, Vandevijvere, S, L'Abbé, MR. Policies to Create Healthier Food Environments in Canada: Experts' Evaluation and Prioritized Actions Using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI). Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(22). doi: 10.3390/ijerph16224473.
- Vandevijvere, S, Barquera, S, Caceres, G, Corvalan, C, Karupaiah, T, Kroker-Lobos, MF, L'Abbé, M, Ng, SH, Phulkerd, S, Ramirez-Zea, M, Rebello, SA, Reyes, M, Sacks, G, Sánchez Nóchez, CM, Sanchez, K, Sanders, D, Spires, M, Swart, R, Tangcharoensathien, V, Tay, Z, Taylor, A, Tolentino-Mayo, L, Van Dam, R, Vanderlee, L, Watson, F, Whitton, C, Swinburn, B. An 11-country study to benchmark the implementation of recommended nutrition policies by national governments using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index, 2015-2018. Obes Rev. 2019;20 Suppl 2:57-66. doi: 10.1111/obr.12819.
- Vanderlee, L, Goorang, S, Karbasy, K, Vandevijvere, S, L'Abbé, MR. Policies to Create Healthier Food Environments in Canada: Experts' Evaluation and Prioritized Actions Using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI). Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(22). doi: 10.3390/ijerph16224473.
- Vandevijvere, S, Barquera, S, Caceres, G, Corvalan, C, Karupaiah, T, Kroker-Lobos, MF, L'Abbé, M, Ng, SH, Phulkerd, S, Ramirez-Zea, M, Rebello, SA, Reyes, M, Sacks, G, Sánchez Nóchez, CM, Sanchez, K, Sanders, D, Spires, M, Swart, R, Tangcharoensathien, V, Tay, Z, Taylor, A, Tolentino-Mayo, L, Van Dam, R, Vanderlee, L, Watson, F, Whitton, C, Swinburn, B. An 11-country study to benchmark the implementation of recommended nutrition policies by national governments using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index, 2015-2018. Obes Rev. 2019;20 Suppl 2:57-66. doi: 10.1111/obr.12819.
- Vanderlee, L, Goorang, S, Karbasy, K, Schermel, A, L'Abbe, MR. Creating healthier food environments in Canada: Current policies and priority actions - Summary Report. 2017.
- Vanderlee, L, Goorang, S, Karbasy, K, Schermel, A, L'Abbe, MR. Creating healthier food environments in Canada: Current policies and priority actions - Executive Report. 2017.
- Vanderlee, L, L'Abbe M R. Food-EPI Canada 2017. 2017. Provincial and Territorial Reports: Alberta – British Columbia – Manitoba – New Brunswick – Newfoundland & Labrador – Northwest Territories – Nova Scotia – Ontario – Prince Edward Island – Quebec – Saskatchewan – Yukon
Private sector policies and actions
- Gaucher-Holm A, Chan J, Sacks G, et al. Food and beverage manufacturing and retailing company policies and commitments to improve the healthfulness of Canadian food environments. BMC Public Health. 2024;24(1):2419
- Gaucher-Holm A, Wood B, Sacks G, Vanderlee L. The structure of the Canadian packaged food and non-alcoholic beverage manufacturing and grocery retailing sectors through a public health lens. Global Health. 2023;19(1):18.
- Vanderlee L, Gaucher-Holm A, Chan J, Vaillancourt C, Vergeer L, Potvin Kent M, Olstad DL, Sacks G. Benchmarking food and beverage company policies to support healthier population diets in Canada, 2023. Packaged food and non-alcoholic beverage manufacturing sector report. 2023. Québec City, QC, Canada.
- Vanderlee, L, Vergeer L, Sacks G, Robinson E, L'Abbé M. Food and beverage manufacturers in Canada: Policies and commitments to improve the food environment - BIA-Obesity Canada 2019 - Full report 2019.
- Vanderlee, L, Vergeer L, Sacks G, Robinson E, L'Abbé M. Food and beverage manufacturers in Canada: Policies and commitments to improve the food environment - BIA-Obesity Canada 2019 - Executive summary 2019.
Food marketing
- Kelly, B, Vandevijvere, S, Ng, S, Adams, J, Allemandi, L, Bahena-Espina, L, Barquera, S, Boyland, E, Calleja, P, Carmona-Garcés, IC, Castronuovo, L, Cauchi, D, Correa, T, Corvalán, C, Cosenza-Quintana, EL, Fernández-Escobar, C, González-Zapata, LI, Halford, J, Jaichuen, N, Jensen, ML, Karupaiah, T, Kaur, A, Kroker-Lobos, MF, McHiza, Z, Miklavec, K, Parker, WA, Potvin Kent, M, Pravst, I, Ramírez-Zea, M, Reiff, S, Reyes, M, Royo-Bordonada, M, Rueangsom, P, Scarborough, P, Tiscornia, MV, Tolentino-Mayo, L, Wate, J, White, M, Zamora-Corrales, I, Zeng, L, Swinburn, B. Global benchmarking of children's exposure to television advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages across 22 countries. Obes Rev. 2019;20 Suppl 2(Suppl 2):116-28. doi: 10.1111/obr.12840.
Food composition
Travaux de l'Observatoire de la qualité de l'offre alimentaire
- Provencher, V., Pomerleau, S., Turcotte, M., Gagnon, P., Perron, J., Labonté, M. È., ... & Trudel, L. (2023). L’Observatoire de la qualité de l’offre alimentaire: un effort collectif en appui à l’amélioration de la qualité et de l’accessibilité de l’offre alimentaire au Québec et au Canada. Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique.
- Chouinard, J., Turcotte, M., Harrison, S., Loignon, J., Morisset, A. S., Saulais, L., & Labonté, M. È. (2023). Vers une stratégie d’évaluation de la qualité de l’offre alimentaire dans les établissements de santé du Québec: sélection d’outils existants et retours d’utilisateurs potentiels. Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique.
- Gilbert-Moreau, J., Pomerleau, S., Perron, J., Gagnon, P., Labonté, M. È., & Provencher, V. (2021). Nutritional value of child-targeted food products: results from the Food Quality Observatory. Public Health Nutrition, 24(16), 5329-5337.
- Perron, J., Pomerleau, S., Gagnon, P., Gilbert-Moreau, J., Lemieux, S., Plante, C., ... & Provencher, V. (2021). Assessing nutritional value of ready-to-eat breakfast cereals in the province of Quebec (Canada): a study from the Food Quality Observatory. Public Health Nutrition, 24(9), 2397-2404.
- Le Bouthillier, M., Perron, J., Pomerleau, S., Gagnon, P., Labonté, M. È., Plante, C., ... & Provencher, V. (2021). Nutritional content of sliced bread available in Quebec, Canada: Focus on sodium and fibre content. Nutrients, 13(12), 4196.
Plusieurs rapports offrant un portrait de l'offre alimentaire au Québec pour différentes catégories d'alimentaires sont dispinibles sur le site web de l'Observatoire de la qualité de l'offre alimentaire.
Food provision
- Vanderlee L, McLaughlin A, Vaillancourt C, Ahmed M, Olstad DL, Raine K, Kirk SFL. School Food Environment Surveys in Canada – Final Report. 2024.
- Vanderlee L, McLaughlin A, Vaillancourt C, Ahmed M, Olstad DL, Raine K, Kirk SFL. School Food Environment Surveys in Canada – Executive summary. 2024. (EN/FR)
- Vanderlee L, Vaillancourt C, McLaughlin A, Ahmed M, Olstad DL, Raine K, Kirk SFL. Hospital Food Environment Surveys in Canada – Final Report. 2024 (forthcoming)
Click here for a recent evaluation of the INFORMAS network conducted by Gary Sacks and colleagues.